Sunday 12 August 2007


Everything's gone offline. The entire Resistance network on the Western European seabord has gone down.
IRC, MSN, even our radio and telephones have been knocked out. But we have news of a trait positive girl that The Order is after.

Here, in Ireland.

We need to find out who and where she is before the Order do. We can't make a move until we know everything or risk blowing our cover, but we can't wait too long or it'll be like Bree all over again. We only have contact with my brother, Xarr and I've told him to get as far away as possible. We're losing agent after agent by the second. Obviously Phase 1 might not live to see the light of day after all, nevermind Phase 2.

They definetely got the jump on us.
We've failed to get the upper hand.
I just hope our other hand is able to land a punch soon.

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