Saturday 11 August 2007

First Strike

Gemini and Orion, our contacts within the Order in Oxford has confirmed that the Elders are planning something big here, we think maybe they either know where we are, know what we're up to, or have found another trait positive girl near here.
Either way, we're not taking any chances. Switch and Echelon are going to iniate Phase 1 as soon as possible. For obvious reasons, I can't tell you what that is, but in black and white terms it simply means that hostilities have commenced. Think of this as a pre-emptive strike on our part, we want to hit them as hard and as fast as we can before they can make a move on us.
It can go either way for us in the coming days and weeks ahead. If we do this right, then we might have a chance of slowing the Order down or stopping them altogether here.
If we fail, well I guess you can pretty much figure out the rest.
For some reason Gemini mentioned the name LaRezisto, kept saying that name was important.
I have no idea what it is, or who it is, but if Gemini and Orion think it's important then on the lookout we shall be.

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